Wednesday, December 21, 2005

all backhand, no compliment!

My best (and worst) fan writes,

mandy, i don't know what's happened to you -- your blog has become so
hilarious and worth reading. it is making me laugh a lot.

Thanks, AO! How...nice?...of you? The reason my blog is suddenly so funny is because I have sublimated all my offensive sexual desires into a couple of words well-chosen to tickle you exactly the way that you want to be tickled. (You $&%*ing NERD! You wonderful, wonderful nerd.) Everyone wins in this situation: I write, you laugh, and barnyard animals everywhere can rest easier--I'm doing it for Christmas, really, manger solidarity and all that.

In under 24 hours I wil be DONE DONE DONE with my first semester of law school. Since it seems like the transit strike will continue at least through tomorrow morning, looks like I'll be taking the exam as a take-home. So plans to drink myself to death downtown have been changed to plans to drink myself to death uptown. AO, if you're around, I think that spot that used to be Cannon's Pub has pitchers of fizzy piss for under $10.

You wanna, Fauna? Right here, on the floor-a? Kiss my aura, Dora. Mmm, it's real angora. Y'all want some more-a?


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