Monday, June 30, 2008


I found some old documents.


Last night I had a dream that I was running around a track in mid-Manhattan with J. Hebert and Deepa. Does Central Park have a track? Well, it wasn’t even Central Park, it was more like Madison Square Park, a shaded cement square block right next to towering buildings. So we started to run a timed mile, and Deepa was going very fast, so I huffed along next to her and mentioned her speed to her. “Yes,” she said, “I noticed yesterday when you were running that you push yourself. I really admire that.”

I took this in stride, literally, though I had not run the day before and couldn’t tell what she was talking about. By the end of the first lap, we were running three abreast, and Deepa told a joke. “So Friend A tells Friend B, ‘We’re going to take the first bus to Beanonia,’ and Friend B doesn’t believe Beanonia exists so he says, ‘Are you just stringing me along?’”

Yes, even in the dream it wasn’t funny.

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