Monday, July 13, 2009

july 2, 2007

Procrastinating from writing up what I've been doing in July 2009 by reposting journal entries from July 2007. First day on the job at the Palo Alto office:
I'm tired and groggy, because in addition to staying up until 3 a.m. EST to webcam puppet shows with Stephanie - the mini vulva I drew between my fingers in order to pantomime female masturbation remained on my fingers this morning, and I frantically licked it off in the lobby of the Palo Alto office after accidentally proferring my mimetic vulva to another summer associate's hand - mom woke me up at 7 a.m. to pet Boo, who was under the bed twitching and sleeping. I got back to sleep but dreamt that I was late to my first day on the job, and that I had a fight with mom and dad, who forced me to ride the car instead of my bike to work today. It turns out that I was not late to work, but I did indeed get in a tiff with dad about riding my bike. He called my hair "a hat" last night, so I think that's enough criticism for two days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg you are so vulvalicious