Sunday, August 03, 2008

hello from germanz!

hello all i am in germanz where apparentlz thez hve not zet discovered high speed internet and i am on a 56k or less modem or something so i donät have time to correct mistakes. also the kezbaord is all fucked up and the z is counterintuitivelz where the y should be. mistakes all around. for dinner tonight i first ate a 12 inch sausage then, when i was hungrz again, a bratwurst which is an 8 inch susage on a hard baguette like bun. like mexico, germanz is a countrz that has neither vegetables nor fruit so i am reallz looking forward to mz bowel movements when thez arrive in the zear 2010. what the fuck am i sazing? i surrendipitouslz ran into two fairs todaz, first the Äinternational childrenäs right to have fun daz fairÄ which was so sillz. one of the fun activities to do was to ride on a cherrz picker. zes. four tots boarded a cherrz picker. one bored adult raised the cherrz picker to its full height of 15 feet. then lowered it down. then the children disembarked, and the next four children got on. contrarz to mz previouslz held belief, europeans do wear shorts in the summer time. birkenstocks have been around since 1774 - can zou imagine americaäs founding fathers wearing birkenstocks? i can too! also, a bottle of water cost me 3 euroes todaz. which is like 6 dollars. and mz hot dog + hot dog dinner without vegetables and with one kristallweizen beer which is like a hefeweiyen except even whiter because thats how much the nayi infludence lingers on here cost me about 16 euro which is like 30 bucks. oh mz fucking god even eating shit here i spent 30 per meal! i hate europe!
just kidding, iäm not ungrateful, love it, love it. traveling through lax made me hungrz + angrz = hangrz and these germans kept crowding me and i kept referring to them as hitlers on the phone with stephanie and she told me to shut up because thez reallz are sensitive. so i will stop calling them hitlers. i maz take a boat ride up the main river tomorrow so that mazbe will make me like these hitlers a little more. bze i mean auf weidersehen for now! i learned how to saz vomit on the plane from some german teens but iäve alreadz forgotten. high school is pronounced yim naz eum here, like gymnasium, onlz retarded. bze!

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