Thursday, August 28, 2008

child hood graduation hood adult hood


(1) Does one stop blogging when one becomes an employee of the government?
(2) How does one go about constructing a new life in a new city?
(3) May I bring a miniature rugby ball that says "Guinness" with me to that new city?
(4) Is there any way all of this can be undone?
(5) Where does all the time go? My first college class was ten years ago.
(6) Where are you, Stephanie?



Anonymous said...

My answers:
#1. No they still blog or better yet, publish
#2. They don't start a new life, they continue the same old life just w/ different people, food and ect. So be yourself and shit happens
#3. ??OK??
#4 Nope
#5 Your old, it all went to the memory bank
#6 ??

there'll be no butter in hell said...

um, please come back! what have you been doing, like, packing or something boring like that?

here is how you make your new life: drink a lot, and bring boo wherever you go. both will lead to meeting people. after you meet people you will all go out together and be happy. the end.

there'll be no butter in hell said...

hey no more comment approval wait period!! whoo hoo!

Anonymous said...

I miss mandy and would like to smear poo all over myself.

noyb said...

unanswerable, all of them!