Thursday, September 27, 2012

read my weave you wasted pony czar

Me: What was the last thing you did before reading this email?

R: The last thing I did before I read this was look up what the longest word is that can be typed on one hand of the standard keyboard position: left hand tie between aftercataracts, tesseradecades and tetrastearates. Right hand winner appears to be hypolimnion.

Me: OMG ridiculous!!! Tesseradecades!!!!! My desktop password is "defecate" because I anticipated I'd want to be eating a sandwich with my right hand each time I log into my computer! A fun game is to come up with sentences that alternate between left-hand and right-hand only words: Savages limn faces in feces milk. Try it!!!

R: breasts in area kill erect oily secrets.

Me: effete polyp secretes monopoly crazed pinky

R: read my weave you wasted pony czar

Lesson learned: I am so lucky to have the friends that I have.

Read it, you pony czar!


Anonymous said...

This one extends the rule to the punctuation (kind of. Exclamation point is a toss-up):

You’ll regret him: exerts milky grease upon faces!

Bananarchist said...

You'll regret him: exerts milky grease upon faces!

Oh my god R., that one was perfect. Plus the meaning parses! I just exerted a little milky grease.