Monday, September 17, 2007


What it is is that the colder weather slows the blood, the blogging. Fall includes: jacket shopping to find something that is both weatherproof and not too androgynous/California Active Style; returning to school; returning to insomnia; returning to industry; my birthday, and a corresponding deepening of the crevasses that mark years on my face like concentric circles do in a cleaved hemlock; general anxieties about all of the aforementioned. Check the September archives of the past three blogged years and you will find that these are themes that recur. I even hum "The Circle Game" in the same way that I did last year when I reflected on the same themes!

Which is to say, Bananarchist is taking hir fall hiatus to think about bigger picture things, like how to escape the legal profesison in 2-3 years despite my concern for (1) making money and (2) oppressed people. How do I do it?

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