Sometimes other people's joy makes me want to cry with happiness. For example, a law professor who I don't even know but whose office happens to be next to the cubicle where I sit to study just received a visitor who brought her a gift. I didn't hear what the gift was, but the professor literally just squealed with delight and said, "Ooooooo! Purple! Oooooo!" Because I once heard a story about how students in her Professional Responsibility class were mean to her and harsh in their evaluation of her (to her face), I am predisposed to thinking of this woman as a Schmerzensmann upon whose frizzy head no laurel of hope and happiness would ever be placed. So imagine my feelings when I heard the high-pitched notes of delight coming from her office - I was elated! Even occasional beams of light pierce the murky depths of the legal academy, even coniferous trees get warm spring afternoons, even the Red Sox win the World Series - all of it! I was happy she was happy and then I wanted to blog about it.
It's strange, because sometimes people squeal with delight and I couldn't feel farther from happiness. It's just as likely that I would think nasty thoughts about a squealer, especially one who squeals after receiving a gift, as a shallow, materialistic, opportunistic, gas-guzzling, conspicuous-consuming, middle-class-conservative-values-having, racist (why? why _not_?), swing-voting, fascist terrorist-sympathizer who does not recycle glass bottles or gift wrapping.
I guess it really all depends on the weather.
Oh yes, and I went to China, and I finished a semester, and I am going to trial in six weeks for my clinic case and having a mediation for my personal lawsuit in one day; all of that is happening too. But more on that in May 2007, when I have free time. For now:
Hey, when'd they build that fake Chinese hut by the Harlem Meer?
Hooray for you blogging again.
Dog party!
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