Thursday, July 09, 2009

dear god please leave me alone

V____ from three posts back is back at it. I waited 18 hours after his last email invitation to say, "Sorry, I'm busy. But I'll see you in class!" Collegial, short, evasive. A good reader would understand that I have expressed a lack of interest in friendship. But V____ is not a good reader.

Just now I got this email:
What up [Bananarchist],

Hi, how are you? I hope all is well. I'm going to be in the city Sunday working with my first client and was wondering if you wanted to grab brunch at 11:00AM at
1010 W. Washington Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60607
Let me know by Saturday at noon.

He wrote it just like this, with the "What up" and the Let me know by Saturday at noon in italics and bold.

What in good God? I honestly don't think he's trying to ask me on a date; he wants to make friends. But who makes demands for friendship like this?! With italicized deadlines, in bold?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bananarchist, you are so brilliant and beautiful and I love you!