Friday, May 30, 2008

my heart

is leaping like a deer with its hooves caught in nests of bees!
is filled like a rooftop water tower on stilts!
is as engorged as Ithaca!
is leaking with love like the Holy Ghost!
is taking over my body!
is durable when fileted!
is grapeshot in the sky!
is tattooed on my heart!
is a four-minute mile!
is a palm frond! a tiny dancer! a bus!
is a hundred hot air balloons filled with hearts!
is a happy black and white dog slipping on grass!
hangs in my throat!
spins in my wheels!
walks on my feet!
is yours! is yours! is yours!
Take it!

I am at the moment alternating between manic states and have found a high one during which to blog. I feel like a waterfall of love. I feel like I should distribute ponchos for the mist. Maybe it's the smell of wet chaparral at the turn from Stanford Avenue onto Escondido Road, or the long days of light, or a feeling of terror plus disbelief, or a great unfulfilled promise, or Molly Malone in my ears. I don't know. I'm an optimist. There is so much love in the atmosphere - up, in the air! It's like a mimosa tree and we are giraffes and all we have to do is lift our ten-foot long necks up and eat the twigs and we'll have it! I know I sound like I'm on drugs but this is how I feel.

Also, no more blogging ever again about anything of substance. (Like that was ever a threat?) I want you all to know that this is who I would prefer to be, devoid of politics, ambition, and opinions, that I am primarily interested in stories and feelings, and that all of the Myers-Briggs type indicator tests I have taken have been wrong and I am, in the end, not a monster but an ENFP. Good night!

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